Nature Kids Connect


Weekly meetups in Central Salt Lake Valley on Friday afternoons.
Maximum enrollment of 50 people (kids/adults).

Families must have at least one child aged 8+.

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We're a group of homeschool families in the Salt Lake Valley who know how to have fun while combating Nature Deficit Disorder. Our group includes adventurers of all ages, from newborn babies to grown-ups, who gather weekly rain or shine during the school year to explore the great outdoors and learn about our place in the natural world.


A routine day at Nature Kids Connect will usually look like this:

First Hour


By starting the day with movement and teamwork, we create a positive and supportive atmosphere that sets the tone for the rest of our activities. Our group games provide an opportunity to laugh, play, and connect with one another for the kids and the parents!


This essential core routine involves learning to sit quietly with nature, cultivating mindfulness through meditation, and expressing oneself through nature journaling.

By taking the time to sit in stillness and observe the natural world, we can deepen our connection to the earth and all its inhabitants. We can learn to appreciate the beauty in the small things, and find solace and peace in the simplicity of nature.

Through meditation, we can quiet our minds and open ourselves up to the wisdom and guidance that the natural world has to offer. And by keeping a nature journal, we can capture our experiences and reflections, allowing us to see the world through new eyes and track our growth and progress.

It is a journey of self-discovery and connection to nature. We embrace the power of Sit Spot and discover the magic that lies within the stillness of nature.


Through storytelling, we explore the depths of how stories can ignite a passion for nature and connect them to the wisdom of their ancestors. We can help children understand the natural world in a way that speaks to their hearts and engages their imaginations.

Second Hour


Each week, we'll focus on a different set of skills and activities designed to deepen our connection to the natural world. By incorporating the "Core Routines" from "Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature," we'll learn to see the world in a whole new way.

Through our group meet ups, we'll explore the magic and wonder of the natural world and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the earth and all its creatures. We'll learn to cultivate mindfulness and presence, and develop a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves.

Our meet-ups will be hands-on and engaging, with a focus on skill-building and experiential learning. We'll explore things like the art of Fox Walk, and the importance of Earth Stewardship. We'll also learn about animal tracking, bird language, and other fascinating topics that will help us connect with the natural world in a meaningful way.

"The Core Routines of Nature Connection are things people do to learn nature's ways. They aren't lessons. They are learning habits." ​

~ Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature p.35

Learn more about Core Routines below.

Third Hour


This is a valuable opportunity for children to engage in self-directed exploration, curiosity and creativity, allowing them to learn and discover in their own unique ways. It's a time for kids to have fun, be spontaneous, and connect with their natural surroundings without the constraints of a structured environment.


"The Core Routines of Nature Connection are things people do to learn nature's ways. They aren't lessons. They are learning habits." ​

~ Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature p.35

Learn More


We offer a group campout in the fall, where families can bond over s'mores, stargazing, and shared adventures in the great outdoors. And in the summer, we host a "Family Day" where kids and adults alike can let loose and have some fun with games, activities, and good company. These are included with your tuition fees.



Introducing Amanda - a homeschooling Mom of 4 who is always on the lookout for wild animals in nature! When she's not teaching her little ones, you can find Amanda exploring the great outdoors and studying the incredible creatures that call it home.

With a passion for all things aquatic, Amanda loves nothing more than being near or on the water - whether it's fishing from her paddleboard, camping by a lake, or hiking alongside a river. Her love for nature is infectious, and she's always up for a spontaneous outdoor adventure with her family and friends.

As a firm believer in the importance of nature for kids, Amanda is excited to share her love of the great outdoors with like-minded families. Whether she's teaching her little ones about the creatures that live in their own backyard or taking them on a camping trip to explore a new environment, Amanda is dedicated to helping kids connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the world around them.


Meet Madi - a homeschooling mom of 2 who has a passion for wildcrafting medicinal herbs and edible mushrooms with her family! She's always on the lookout for new plants and fungi to discover, and loves nothing more than spending time exploring, wandering, playing, or working outside with her little ones by her side.

Madi is a true nature enthusiast, and her love for the great outdoors is evident in everything she does. Whether she's foraging in the Uintas, tending to her garden, or simply taking a walk in a park, Madi is happiest when surrounded by the natural world.

As a firm believer in the healing power of nature, Madi is excited to share her knowledge and connect with fellow nature-loving families.



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